Interview of Rajat Prajapati

Rajat Prajapati
Rajat Prajapati is an architecture student from Hyderabad. He prefers to keep his art minimal as he believes that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. He manages to capture the person’s identity through his simple strokes and designs.
Exposure to architecture helped him figure out his style. Read on more to find out about this young and talented artist’s journey.

Tell us a little about your childhood. What inspired you to start art?
I will not want any kid to have a childhood like mine. Due to a major downfall in my dad’s business, we became financially unstable. I used to help my mom make Papads and sell them to earn some extra dimes.
Eventually, things became better and we shifted to Hyderabad. My neighbour, Priya Didi helped me to deal with the unfamiliarity of the place, language and culture. She is the person who instilled passion for art, in me.
How do you perceive “Art”?
I view art as a medium for self expression. Having faced difficulties in my childhood, art helped me cope with stress. I started expressing my thoughts through art and channelizing all my energy towards it.
After 12th grade, I took up architecture which helped me to understand the meaning, concept, need and importance of art and experimentation.

Are you a self-taught artist? How has the journey been?
Yes, I’m a self taught artist. The journey has been very exciting, and I’m bound by nothing. I’m free to experiment and explore new art styles. Curiosity and zeal have taken me a long way. As they say, the journey is more beautiful than the destination.
How do you think technology has impacted art?
I have mixed feelings about advanced technology. I agree that it has introduced us to infinite possibilities; reduced the cost of stationary and it’s a one place destination for all tools, but nothing can beat the beauty of traditional handmade art form.
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Many of your artworks are on famous music artists and bands. Which is your most favourite band?
There are so many artists whose music caries me away, like The strumbellas, Kodaline, The paper kites, The lumineers, Bon iver and Coldplay.
What inspired you to keep your art minimal?
I’ve read and researched about various philosophies and design theories. Of all the art styles, I like minimalism the best. I believe that simplicity is the best sophistication.

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As an Artist, what’s your biggest pet peeve?
I do not like customers who don’t understand art and have unrealistic expectations.
Any dream project that you’d like to work on?
I would like to work on a space-themed project. Eg- Mars Colonization
If you could go back in time and change one decision that you took, what would it be?
There are so many decisions I wish I could change. But, I wouldn’t as all those wrong decisions have played a crucial part in becoming what I’m today. I might be disappointed with the decisions, but I do not regret anything.

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